Theatre is an experimental and safe space, which allows us to play with utopia and dystopia, in order to find out, who we wanna be. It questions the world. It heals. It creates identities. It offers alternative story lines. It can be honest, brutal and beyond beautiful at the same time. It can start a revolution in disguise.
As a director and playwright I love to go new places.
With <Theatre of 10.000> (2019), I started the biggest theatre experiment of all times together with UNICEF-Germany. 100 cities worked together to allow 10.000 people to perform at the same time. Audio and stage directions were provided from their cell phones and the participants were turned into avatars of their own lives.
With <Brecht high 3> (2014), I connected three continents to allow an audience to watch the same play in three international interpretations. Germany, America and Japan.
<THE inVISIBLE THEATRE> is a format I created in 2011 to use audio walks as new way of theatre. The thoughts of the participants start to interact with their surroundings
Together with my ensemble BLUESPOTS PRODUCTIONS - Germany, we created for seven years site specific productions. I love to break the patterns of the audience and be playful. Send them to a public bath, in order to get to know the mermaid UNDINE in an underwater museum, send them into a train without them knowing where it will take them <JOURNEY TO EXILE>, use secret messages to create a city game <GDR SPY GAME>, use a strip club to perform Faust <LECK MICH FAUST> or use a court house to turn the audience into a jury <CRIME AND PUNISHMENT>.
Opening up to new locations opens up the audience. We break the fourth wall and all rules, by making them experience something, they won’t forget so easily.
My heart beats also for classical theatre productions. The poetry and story telling one can create on stage with all the possibilities of language, lights, bodies, set design, costumes and creative ideas seem never ending and are made of their own truth for thousands and thousands of years.
I love to stage poetical, radical and create new languages on stage. Every play can unfold its own magic power and this is what I usually look for. I don’t follow my “own style”, but listen to a play to help it find its own style and universe. Every play is different.
My play SVENDBORG DIGTE was nominated for the highest theatre award in Denmark and my work has been performed and translated many times.
As storytellers, we have many superpowers in this world.
Superpower #1
We know that we are pretending. That liberates us from a lot of bullshit.
Superpower #2
We know how powerful words are. The whole world is based on words. Every border, every law, every definition, every war, every peace and every thought is based on words. Our identity is based on words. The stories we tell one another is who we become. The lines we say are spells.
Superpower #3
Theatre makers are sublime storytellers. We know how to be intimate, shocking, touching, moving and relevant. We will always adapt and find new ways and methods in order to be close to our audience. In order to stay relevant.
Superpower #4
We have more love than rules, more energy than anxieties and more questions than answers. We choose liberty over money and that makes us unpredictable.
Superpower #5
We don’t have any superpowers, but we do it anyways.
„Theatre is not a space, but a way of thinking.“